Terms of Portal Site
Access (the ‘Terms’)
Step 1 - Terms of Portal Site Access (the ‘Terms’)
I am willing to support the underlying purpose of the Pensions Research Accountants Group (“PRAG”) (which is to conduct research into, and publish papers on, the accounting and other related aspects of pension funds) and hereby apply for membership. I consent to PRAG processing my personal data for the purpose of which PRAG is constituted. All subscribers become members of the Company, which is limited by guarantee. Members may, therefore, be asked to subscribe £1 each in the event of it winding up.
I agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions governing use of PRAG's website.
A copy of our current Privacy Policy is available on our website at https://prag.org.uk/privacy-policy
Please note that any information provided by us (including on our website) does not constitute advice.